Here are the agenda for the meetings this Tuesday of the city council. As always please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Please note the way to comment due to the restrictive placed by the county.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA April 21, 2020 at 5:00 PM 12830 South Redwood Road, Riverton, UT 84065 1. Mayor and Council Informal Meeting 2. WORK SESSION - 5:45 PM - THESE MEETINGS WILL BE BROADCAST TO THE PUBLIC 3. Call to Order 4. Presentations 5. Discussion 5.a Discussion of the 2020 General Plan 6. Information Only 6.a At appropriate times, Purchasing issues contracts for services that have been previously approved by the City Council through the FY 19/20 Budget or Budget Adjustment approvals. 7. Mayor/Council/Manager Reports 8. Adjournment 9. COUNCIL MEETING - 7:00 PM 10. Call to Order 11. Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance 12. Public Comment Due to restrictions in place related to COVID-19, this meeting will not be open for public attendance. Audio and video of the meeting will be broadcast live and will be available following the meeting. Public comment for this item may be submitted via email to [email protected]. All comments submitted by Noon on the date of the hearing will be relayed to the City Council. 13. Mayor/Council Reports 14. Recognitions/Proclamations 14.a Arbor Day 2020 Proclamation 15. Consent Items 15.a Resolution No. 20-32 - Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Interlocal Agreement with South Jordan City to Supply Secondary Water 15.b Resolution 20-33 - Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Interlocal Agreement with Salt Lake County to Receive TRCC Funding to Plan a Nature Center at Roi Hardy Park 15.c Minutes: WS/CCM 04-07-20 16. Public Hearing(s)/Action Items Due to restrictions in place related to COVID-19, this meeting will not be open for public attendance. Audio and video of the meeting will be broadcast live and will be available following the meeting. Public comment for these items may be submitted via email to [email protected]. All comments submitted by Noon on the date of the hearing will be relayed to the City Council. If you have questions regarding an application, please call the Riverton City Planning Department at 801-208-3124. 16.a Ordinance No. 20-10 - Rezoning properties located near 4185 West 12600 South from PCC (Planned Commercial Center) to C-R (Commercial Regional), John Linton Representing Holiday Oil, Applicant 16.b Ordinance No. 20-11 - Amending Sections 18.70.070, 18.85.070, and 18.100.070 of the Riverton City Code, Addressing Sidewalk and Frontage Improvements in Certain Commercial Zones, Amendments Proposed by Riverton City 17. Discussion/Action Items 17.a Resolution No. 20-30 - Approval to Negotiate a Contract with WeLink Communications to Design and Construct a City Owned Network 17.b Resolution No. 20-31 - To Initiate the Process by which the Riverton City Council may Consider Creation of the Riverton Fire Service Area to Fund First Responder Services within Riverton City 17.c Resolution No. 20-32 - Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Interlocal Agreement with Salt Lake County to Receive TRCC Funding to Plan a Nature Center at Roi Hardy Park 17.D COVID-19 Testing 18. Upcoming Meetings May 05, 2020-5:00 PM-Work Session & City Council Meeting May 19, 2020-5:00 PM-Work Session & City Council Meeting June 02, 2020-5:00 PM-Work Session & City Council Meeting 19. Adjournment
RIVERTON LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE AREA BOARD MEETING AGENDA April 21, 2020 at 7:30 PM City Hall located at 12830 S Redwood Road 1. Call to Order 2. Discussion/Action 2.a Riverton Police Department (RPD) Presentation 2.b RLESA 2020 Financials Update 2.c Discussion on a change in fiscal period for the Riverton Law Enforcement Service Area 2.d Minutes: 2020-03-17.RLESA.Min 3. Adjournment
REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING AGENDA April 21, 2020 at 8:00 PM 12830 South Redwood Road 1. Call to Order 2. Closed Session 2.1 Discussion of pending or reasonably imminent litigation 3. Adjournment