Here are the agenda's for tomorrow's meetings please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA August 20, 2019 at 5:00 PM 12830 South Redwood Road, Riverton, UT 1. Mayor and Council Informal Meeting - No action on any items 2. WORK SESSION - 5:45 PM 3. Call to Order 4. Presentations a. Reconnaissance Level Survey-Historic Preservation Commission - Korral Broschinsky b. Economic Development Committee Report - Terry Webb, Chair 5. Discussion Items 6. Mayor / Council / Manager Reports 7. Adjournment COUNCIL MEETING - 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance 3. Public Comment The public may comment on any topic not listed on the agenda. All comments shall be directed to the Mayor and City Council and limited to three (3) minutes per person, unless additional time is authorized by the Mayor. No person shall be allowed to comment more than once during the comment period and shall not debate or expect dialogue with the Governing Body or City Staff. 4. Mayor/Council Reports 5. Recognitions / Proclamations / Presentations a. Proclamation-International Overdose Awareness Day-August 31, 2019 - Mayor Staggs b. Outstanding Citizen Award - Scott Reid - Mayor Staggs c. Vaping Awareness Campaign - Matthew Drachmann & Sarah Strong, Riverton High School d. Oath of Office Administered to Riverton City Youth Council - Virginia Loader, Recorder 6. Consent Items a. Minutes: WS/CCM 07-16-19 b. Bond Release(s): Bench Acres-Warranty Release c. Resolution No. 19-52 - Approving the Purchase of 21 Streetlights for Installation on Old Liberty Way (4050 West) - Craig Calvert, Operational Services Director d. Resolution No. 19-53 - Approving a PO Contract to T-O Engineering for the Design of the 'S Curve' - Craig Calvert, Operational Services Director e. Resolution No. 19-54 - Approving a PO Contract to RB&G Engineering Roadway Design of 1300 West - Craig Calvert, Operational Services Director f. Resolution No. 19-55 - Approval the purchase of a Storage Area Network (SAN) Computer Storage Device - Craig Calvert, Operational Services Director g. Resolution No. 19-56 - Granting Approval to the City to enter into a contract with a Consultant or Consultants for the Implementation of a Network Plan of City-Owned, Fiber to the Home, Open Access Broadband Network that operates as a City Utility - Craig Calvert, Operational Services Director h. Resolution No. 19-57- Authorizing the City to Approve Amendment No. 1 to Salt Lake County Contract No. 0000001761, which provides Funding for Construction of Improvements to the 'S Curve' and provide City Wide Striping of Bike Lanes - Trace Robinson, Public Works Director i. Resolution No. 19-58 - Authorizing the City to enter into a Federal Aid Agreement with The Utah Department of Transportation for Funding of the 4150 W from Majestic Rise Parkway to 12600 South - Trace Robinson, Public Works Director 7. Public Hearing(s) / Action Items a. Proposed Ordinance No. 19-17 - Amending the Land Use Code Chapter 18.100 Planned Commercial Center and Chapter 18.90 Table of Commercial Uses, DAI Partners, Jim Giles & Nate Shipp - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director - Public Hearing continued from CC 08-06-19 b. Proposed Ordinance No. 19-21 - Amending Sections 18.225, Accessory Structures, and 18.145, Automobile Parking, Addressing Accessory Dwelling Units In Riverton City, Proposed by Riverton City - Ryan Carter, City Attorney- Public Hearing continued from CC 08-06-19 8. Discussion / Action Items 9. Upcoming Meetings a. August 27, 2019 - 5:30 PM - Board of Canvassers Meeting b. September 03, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting c. September 17, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting 10. Closed Session a. Strategy session to discuss the purchase, exchange, sale or lease of real property b. Strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation 11. Adjournment
RIVERTON LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE AREA (RLESA) MEETING AGENDA August 20, 2019 at 7:30 PM, or as soon after as practicable 12830 South Redwood Road, Riverton, UT 1. Call to Order 2. Public Hearing(s) - N/A 3. Discussion / Action Items a. Riverton Police Department (RPD) Presentation - Chief Hutson b. RLESA Financial Update - Kevin Hicks, Finance Director c. Approval of Minutes: RLESA 06-18-2019 4. Adjournment