August 6th 2019 Agendas

August 5, 2019

Here is the agenda for this week's meeting.  Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.


August 6, 2019 at 5:00 PM
12830 South Redwood Road, Riverton, UT

1.	Mayor and Council Informal Meeting - No action on any items


3.	Call to Order

4.	Presentations 

5.	Discussion Items

	a.	Broadband Project - Mayor Staggs

	b.	Chamber Membership Benefits - Mayor Staggs

c.	Overview of Options for 12600 South and Bangerter Highway - Mayor Staggs

6.	Mayor / Council / Manager Reports

7.	Adjournment


1.	Call to Order

2.	Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance 

3.	Public Comment

The public may comment on any topic not listed on the agenda. All comments shall be directed to the Mayor and City Council and limited to three (3) minutes per person, unless additional time is authorized by the Mayor. No person shall be allowed to comment more than once during the comment period and shall not debate or expect dialogue with the Governing Body or City Staff.

4.	Mayor/Council Reports

5.	Recognitions / Proclamations / Presentations - N/A

6.	Consent Items

a.	Minutes: N/A

b.	Bond Release(s): N/A

	c.	Resolution No. 19-47 - Ratifying Staff's Approval of a Change Order to RC Enterprise for the Autumn Hills Park Precast Restroom Site Prep Project - Craig Calvert, 				Operational Director

	d.	Resolution No. 19-48 - Approving a Change Order to Bowen Collins & Associates for the Rose Creek Realignment Project - Craig Calvert, Operational Director     

	e.	Resolution No. 19-49 - Approving a Change Order to Rocky Mountain Monument for the Cemetery Veterans Memorial - Craig Calvert, Operational Director     

	f.	Approval of State of Utah Division of Water Resources Loan Application - Dan 				Woodbury, Water Engineer

	g.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-15 - Amending Title 3 of Riverton Municipal Code, Adding Chapter 035 and Levying a 1% Municipal Transient Room Tax - Ryan Carter, City 	Attorney

	h.	Resolution No. 19-50 - Approving an Update to the Riverton City Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual (Public Servant Use of City-Owned Property) - Ryan Carter, City Attorney

7.	Public Hearing(s) / Action Items 

a.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-17 - Amending the Land Use Code Chapter 18.100 Planned Commercial Center and Chapter 18.90 Table of Commercial Uses, DAI Partners, Jim Giles & Nate Shipp - Tim Prestwich, Planning Department

b.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-18 - Rezoning 1.1 acres located at 11971 South 1300 West from RR-22 to R-4, Christi Smith - Tim Prestwich, Planning Department

c.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-19 - Amending Riverton City Code Section 18.145.110 regarding Restrictions on Parking. The purpose of this amendment is to eliminate 	inconsistencies in the Code, Riverton City - Ryan Carter, City Attorney

d.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-20 - Rezoning Approximately 25 acres located at 1050 W 12300 S from A-5 to P-OS (Parks & Open Space). This land is owned by Riverton City and is existing open space, Riverton City - Tim Prestwich, Planning Department
	e.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-21 - Amending Sections 18.225, Accessory Structures, and 18.145, Automobile Parking, Addressing Accessory Dwelling Units In Riverton City, Proposed by Riverton City - Tim Prestwich, Planning Department Ryan Carter, City Attorney

f.	Proposed Resolution No. 19-46 - Approving Amendments to the Municipal Fee 	Schedule for FY 2019-2020 - Kevin Hicks, Administrative Services Director

8.	Discussion / Action Items

	a.	Resolution No. 19-51 - Renaming the Events Committee to the Events and Inclusion Committee, and Expanding the Scope of Responsibilities Assigned to the Events and Inclusion Committee - Ryan Carter, City Attorney
9.	Upcoming Meetings

a.	August 20, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting
b.	August 27, 2019 - 5:30 p.m. - Board of Canvassers Meeting
c.	September 03, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting
d.	September 17, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting

10.	Closed Session

a. 	Strategy session to discuss the purchase, exchange, sale or lease of real property

b.	Strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation

11.	Adjournment
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