RIVERTON CITY, UTAH 12830 S 1700 W 12830 S 1700 W Riverton, UT 84065 MEETING AGENDA CITY COUNCIL Trent Staggs, Mayor Tawnee McCay, District 3 Sheldon Stewart, District 1 Tish Buroker, District 4 Tricia Tingey, District 2 Brent Johnson, District 5 Tuesday, August 7, 2018 5:30 PM Riverton City Hall Web address to view complete packet: http://www.rivertoncity.com/government/city_council/city_council_meetings.php WORK SESSION - 5:30 p.m. Call to Order Information Items Discussion Items Review of Current Agenda Items Elected Official Reports City Manager Report Adjourn COUNCIL MEETING - 6:30 p.m. Call to Order / Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance Presentations 1. Honoring Riverton Resident Sadie Bailey's 100th Year 2. Local First Utah - Mayor Staggs 3. Riverton City Impact Fee Enactment for Culinary Water, Secondary Water, Stormwater, Parks, and Transportation Facilities - Megan Weber, Zions Bank Public Comments The public may comment on any topic that is not listed as an agenda item. (See Public Comment Procedure below) Public Hearing(s) / Action Items 4. Boundary Adjustment - Adjusting the Boundaries between Riverton City and Bluffdale City Trace Robinson, Public Works Director Ordinance No. 18-23 - Adjusting the Boundaries between Riverton City and Bluffdale City Discussion / Action Items 5. Reconsideration of Ordinance No. 18-15 - Rezoning .89 Acres located at 12145 South 2200 West from RR-22 (Rural Residential 1/2 Acre Lots) to R-3 (Residential 14,000 Square Foot Lots), Blaine Page, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director Consent Agenda 6. Minutes: WS/CCM 07-17-18, ECM 07-19-18 7. Bond Releases: The Towers Phase 4-Warranty Release; Riverton Peaks Revised- Performance Release, Royal Farms Phase 3-Performance Release 8. Resolution No. 18-68 - Ratifying the previously executed Contract with American Paving Preservation, LLC for the 2018 Riverton City Slurry Seal Project - Craig Calvert, Purchasing/Fleet Director 9. Resolution No. 18-69 - Ratifying the previously executed Contract with Kilgore Contracting for the 2018 Riverton City Asphalt Paving Project - Craig Calvert, Purchasing/Fleet Manager 10. Resolution No. 18-64 - Appointing Members to the Riverton City Events Committee - Mayor Staggs 11. Resolution No. 18-65 - Appointing Volunteer Members to the Riverton City Economic Development Committee - Mayor Staggs 12. Resolution No. 18-66 - Appointing Volunteer Members to the Riverton City Emergency Preparedness and Special Projects Committee - Mayor Staggs 13. Resolution No. 18-67 - Appointing Volunteer Members to the Riverton City Parks, Recreation & Trails Committee - Mayor Staggs 14. Resolution No. 18-70 - Appointing Volunteer Members to the Riverton City Transportation Committee - Mayor Staggs Council Reports Upcoming Meetings 15. August 21, 2018 - 5:30 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting 16. September 4, 2018 - 5:30 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting Adjourn