Here is the agenda for this upcoming week. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments:
RIVERTON CITY, UTAH REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA February 21, 2017 Notice is hereby given that the Riverton City Council will hold a Regular City Council Meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. on February 21, 2017, at Riverton City Hall, located at 12830 South 1700 West, Riverton, Utah. A. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Presentations/Reports a. Recognition of Boy Scouts b. Recognition of Neil Silcox, UFA Fireman - 42 years - Mayor Applegarth/Battalion Chief White 4. UDOT Redwood Road Widening Project - UDOT 5. Public Comments B. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:30 p.m. or as soon after as practicable 1. Rezone - Rezoning 36 acres located at 4245 West 12600 South from PCC (Planned Commercial Center) to RM-14 (Residential Multi-Family 14 Units Per Acre), Riverton Ranch LLC, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Community Development Director a. Ordinance No. 17-04 - Rezoning 36 Acres located at 4245 West 12600 South from PCC (Planned Commercial Center) to RM-14-SD (Residential Multi-Family, 14 Units/Acre Max. with Specific Development Designations) and RM-14- SD/EHOV (RM-14-SD with Elderly Housing Overlay), Riverton Ranch, LLC, Applicant 2. Text Amendment - Amending Section 9.1 of the Edge Homes RM-18-SD Zone regarding Density, Wasatch Residential Group, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Community Development Director a. Ordinance No. 17-02 - Amending Section 9.1 of the Edge Homes RM-18-SD Zone regarding Density, Wasatch Residential Group, Applicant 3. Proposed FY 2016-2017 Budget Amendments - Lisa Dudley, Administrative Services Director a. Resolution No. 17-10 - Approving Amendments to the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Budget C. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS 1. Resolution No. 17-14 - Reaffirming its continued commitment to membership in the Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake - Council Member Trent Staggs 2. Resolution No. 17-15 - Reaffirming its continued commitment to membership in the Unified Fire Authority and the Unified Fire Service Area - Council Member Trent Staggs 3. Resolution No. 17-16 - Authorizing the execution of an Improvement and Impact-Fee Credit Agreement with Dansie Riverton, LLC - Ryan Carter, City Attorney D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes: RCCM 02-07-17 2. Bond Releases: N/A 3. Resolution No. 17-09 - Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Salt Lake County Clerk Elections Division to receive the services of the County Clerk during the 2017 Primary and General Municipal Elections - Virginia Loader, City Recorder 4. Resolution No. 17-11 - Declaring Identified Property of Riverton City as Surplus - Craig Calvert, Purchasing Manager 5. Resolution No. 17-12 - Ratifying the approval of a Change Order given to Whitaker Construction for additional fill material needed to complete the 13200 South Roadway Project, Phase 1 Project - Craig Calvert, Purchasing Manager 6. Resolution No. 17-13 - Declaring Identified Property of Riverton City as Surplus - Craig Calvert, Purchasing Manager E. STAFF REPORTS 1. Lance Blackwood, City Manager F. ELECTED OFFICIAL REPORTS 1. Mayor Bill Applegarth 2. Council Member Brent Johnson 3. Council Member Trent Staggs 4. Council Member Sheldon Stewart 5. Council Member Tricia Tingey 6. Council Member Paul Wayman G. UPCOMING MEETINGS 1. March 07, 2017-Regular City Council Meeting-6:30 p.m. 2. March 21, 2017-Regular City Council Meeting-6:30 p.m. H. STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION 1. Road Maintenance - Trace Robinson, Public Works Director 2. Impact Fee Facility Plans (IFFPs) & Impact Fee Analysis (IFA) - Lisa Dudley, Administrative Services Director 3. Risk Management - Ryan Carter, City Attorney 4. Administrative Services - Lisa Dudley, Administrative Services Director I. ADJOURN