Here is the agenda for this Tuesdays meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
February 4, 2020 at 5:00 PM
12830 South Redwood Road,
Riverton, UT 84065
1. Mayor and Council Informal Meeting
3. Strategic Planning / Priorities and Initiatives
4. Presentations
4.a 2020 Legislative Update n For your information
5. Council Business
6. City Manager Report
7. Information Items Only - These are items that have previously been approved in the budget, etc. but brought back to the Council for information only.
7.a Purchasing has issued contracts for projects that have been previously approved by Council through the approval of the FY19/20 budget or budget adjustment.
No Action Necessary, Information Only.
20-1053-08- Superior Asphalt Agreement.pdf
20-1053-09- Black Forest Paving Agreement.pdf
20-1053-10- M&M Asphalt Agreement.pdf
8. Adjournment
10. Call to Order
11. Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
12. Public Comment
13. Mayor/Council Reports
14. Recognitions/Proclamations/Presentations
14.a Riverton Choice Awards for Excellence in Education – Rosamond Elementary School
February 2020 Choice Awards- Rosamond Elem.doc
14.b Proclamation Recognizing Utah Women as the Firtst to Vote N/A
Proclamation 02-04-2020 Utah Women First to Vote.docx
15. Consent Items
15.a Approval of Minutes: CCM 01-07-20, WS/CCM 01-21-20 Approve as part of the Consent Agenda
15.b Resolution Supporting the Western Growth Coalition to Advocate for Transportation Improvements to Dedicated to the West Side Communities of Salt Lake County, Utah.
"I Move the Riverton City Council Adopt Resolution No.20 -49 Supporting the Western Growth Coalition to Advocate for Transportation Improvements to Dedicated to the West Side Communities of Salt Lake County, Utah."
02-04-2020 Resolution Western Growth Coalition.docx
16. Public Hearing(s)/Action Items
16.a Proposed Resolution No. 20-11 – Approving Amendments to the Budget for Fiscal Year
I move the City Council adopt Resolution No. 20-11– Amending the Riverton City Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020.
2020-Resolution No. 20-11.Amended Budget 2019-2020.docx
02-04 CC.pdf
16.b Proposed Ordinance No. 20-02, a text change amending Land Use Code Sections 18.190 and 18.135, addressing seasonal and temporary commercial uses.
I move the City Council ADOPT Ordinance No. 20-02, amending Sections 18.190 and
18.135 addressing Temporary and Seasonal Commercial Uses, as described in Exhibit “A”.
Temporary and Seasonal Uses Amendment - Staff Report.pdf
Ordinance 20-02 - Temp and Seasonal Uses Ordinance Amendment.docx
16.c Ordinance No. 20-05, Amending Title 18, Chapter 190 of Riverton City Code to allow for short term rental use in residential zones, with regulations.
"I move the Riverton City Council amend the Riverton City Council adopt an ordinance Amending Title 18, Chapter 190 of Riverton City Code to allow for short term rental use in residential zones, by [adding] [deleting] the following provisions _____________."
"I move the Riverton City Council adopt an ordinance Amending Title 18, Chapter 190 of Riverton City Code to allow for short term rental use in residential zones, with regulations, as amended by the Riverton City Council."
02-04-2020 Short Term Rental Enactment Ordinance.docx PC Minutes on Short Term Rentals Aug 8 and 22, 2019.pdf
02-04-20 Short Term Rental Ord with comments from 1.21 Council meeting.pdf
17. Discussion/Action Items
17.a Board Member Compensation Discussion.
Discussion regarding financial compensation for Council Members attending and participating on various Boards.
17.b Discussion of protest correspondence regarding Olympia Hills Development Project. Council Discussion Item
OH Letter to County Council 2 (002).pdf
18. Upcoming Meetings
1. February 18, 2020 – 5:00 p.m. – Work Session & City Council Meeting
2. March 03, 2020 – 8:30 a.m. – Work Session & City Council Meeting
3. March 17, 2020 – 5:00 p.m. – Work Session & City Council Meeting
4. April 07, 2020 – 5:00 p.m. – Work Session & City Council Meeting
19. Closed Session A strategy sessions to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property
and the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual
20. Adjournment