July 20th, 2021 Meeting Agendas

July 19, 2021

Here are the agenda's for the meetings tomorrow.  Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.


July 20, 2021 at 5:00 PM

12830 South Redwood Road,
Riverton, UT 84065

Riverton City Council Meeting Information

The City Council Meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting with in person attendance and audio/video of the meeting broadcast live via the City Meetings link. Accompanying agenda documents will be available for public review through the City website prior to the meeting and audio/written minutes will be available following the meeting. Citizen comment may be submitted via email to [email protected] or at e-comments at City Meetings. All comments submitted by noon on the date of the meeting will be relayed to the City Council.

1.	Mayor and Council Informal Meeting


3.	Call to Order

4.	Presentations

4.a Market Study Presentation - Benj Becker, Vice President of Public Finance Investment Banking

5.	Discussion Items

5.a Downtown Strategic Priorities, CRA Creation and Development - Mayor Trent Staggs

5.b Park/Field Programming and Utilization - Mayor Staggs

6.	Mayor/Council/Manager Reports

7.	Adjournment of Work Session


9.	Call to Order

10.	Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance

11.	Citizen Comment

The public may comment on any topic not listed on the agenda. All comments shall be directed to the Mayor and City Council and limited to three (3) minutes per person, unless additional time is authorized by the Mayor. No person shall be allowed to comment more than once during the comment period and shall not debate or expect dialogue with the Governing Body or City Staff. Emailed or e-comments may be submitted to [email protected] or at City Meetings. Any comments needing or requesting follow-up will be assigned to staff for further action as appropriate after the meeting. Please provide contact information so later follow-up can take place.

12.	Mayor/Council Reports

13.	Presentations/Recognitions

13.a Riverton Police Department Presentation, Introduction of New Police Officers and Officer Promotions - Chief Don Hutson

13.b Jordan Valley Conservancy District - Sherrie Ohrn, Member of Board of Trustees 

14.	Consent Items

Routine items on the Consent Agenda not requiring public discussion by the City Council or which have been discussed previously may be adopted by one single motion. A Council member may request to remove an item from the consent agenda for individual discussion and consideration.

14.a	Minute Approval: June 15, 2021

14.b	Performance Bond release for THE CREEK AT LOVER'S LANE (68)

14.c	Resolution No. 21-39 - Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with Black Forest Paving to Complete the 2021 Overlay Project - Craig Calvert, Purchasing

14.d	Resolution No. 21-40 - Approve Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Member Agency Water Conservation Funding Agreement with Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District for partial funding of the landscape project located at 12721 South Redwood Road - Trace Robinson, Public Works Director

14.e	Resolution No. 21-41 - Declaring the identified vehicles as surplus, authorizing the City Manager to dispose of these items as he deems appropriate - Craig Calvert, Purchasing

14.f	Resolution No. 21-42 - Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Master License Agreement with AT&T DBA Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for Use of Public Rights of Way to Locate 5G Telecommunication Services - Ryan Carter, City Attorney

14.g	Resolution No. 21-43 - Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Fire Hydrant Testing Agreement with the Tithing Hill Homeowners Association - Ryan Carter, City Attorney

14.h	Resolution No. 21-44 - An Agreement with Rose Creek Lofts LLC Granting an Easement for the Installation and Maintenance of a Culinary Water Under City Owned Public Right of Way - Ryan Carter, City Attorney

15.	Public Hearing(s)/Action Items

15.a	Ordinance No. 21-18 - Proposed Rezone of .84 Acres Located at 3443 West 12600 South from RR-22 to C-PO (Commercial Professional Office), Joanna Williams, Representing Blooming Minds Preschool, Applicant

15.b	Ordinance No. 21-19 - Amending and Updating Riverton City's Ordinance Regulating Noticing of Public Hearings, Amendments Proposed by Riverton City.

15.c	Ordinance No. 21-20 - Proposed Changes to 18.225 Accessory Structures, Addressing Building Heights and Size, Setback Regulations and Other Amendments, Amendments Proposed by Riverton City.

16.	Discussion/Action Items

16.a   Motion to Reconsider Ordinance No. 21-14, General Plan Amendment and Rezone of 5.91 acres located near 12900 South 1830 West, changing the General Plan Designation to Medium-High Density Residential and the Zoning to RM-6-SD, which included the following designations: 1. Development shall be limited to detached single family units on individual lots, with rambler units only; and 2. A second floor bonus room is allowed, but may not exceed the square footage of the attached garage. - Councilmember Claude Wells

16.b	Community Redevelopment Area, Directing Staff to Proceed with Development of Project Boundaries, Plans, Budget, and Relevant Data, Draft Interlocal Agreements, and Authorizing Coordination with Taxing Agencies and Stakeholders For Project Areas 1 & 2 as Described Herein

17.	Upcoming Meetings

a.	August 3, 2021 - 5:00 PM - Work Session & City Council Meeting

b.	August 17, 2021 - 5:00 PM - Work Session & City Council Meeting

c.	September 7, 2021 - 5:00 PM - Work Session & City Council Meeting

d.	September 21, 2021 - 5:00 PM - Work Session & City Council Meeting

18.	Closed Session

a.	Discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual

b.	Strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation

c.	Strategy session to discuss the sale, purchase, exchange or lease of real property, including any form of a water rights or water share

19.	Adjournment

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