Here is the agenda for this coming Tuesday's meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
12830 S 1700 W 12830 S 1700 W
Riverton, UT 84065
Trent Staggs, Mayor Tawnee McCay, District 3
Sheldon Stewart, District 1 Tish Buroker, District 4
Tricia Tingey, District 2 Brent Johnson, District 5
Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:30 PM Riverton City Hall
Web address to view complete packet:
WORK SESSION - 5:30 p.m.
Call to Order
Information Items
Discussion Items
Review of Current/Future Agenda Items
Elected Official Reports
City Manager Report
Call to Order / Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance
1. Riverton Choice Awards for Excellence in Education - Riverton High School - Mayor Staggs
2. Jordan River Parkway-Wayfaring Signage - Soren Simonsen
Public Comments
The public may comment on any topic that is not listed as an agenda item. (See Public Comment
Procedure below)
Public Hearing(s) / Action Items
3. Proposed Rezone of property located at 4311 West 12600 South from R-1 (Residential 1
Acre Lots) to C-N (Commercial Neighborhood), and that property located at 12667 S
Critter's Cove be rezoned from R-1 to RR-22 (Rural Residential 1/2 Acre Lots), William
Jesperson, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director
Ordinance No. 18-16 - Rezoning 1.14 Acres at 4311 West 12600 South from R-1 (Residential 1 Acre Lots) to C-N (Commercial Neighborhood), William Jespersen, Applicant
Ordinance No. 18-18 - Rezoning 1.89 Acres at 12667 South Critters Cove from R-1 (Residential 1 Acre Lots) to RR-22 (Rural Residential 1/2 Acre Lots), William Jespersen, Applicant
4. Proposed Rezone of 1 acre of property located at 3443 West 12600 South from RR-22
(Rural Residential 1/2 Acre Lots) to C-PO EHOV (Commercial Professional Office Elderly
Housing Overlay), Benjamin Helton of Lifestone Church, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge,
Development Services Director
Ordinance No. 18-17 - Rezoning 1 Acre Located at 3443 West 12600 South from RR-22 (Rural Residential 1/2 Acre Lots) to C-PO EHOV (Commercial Professional Office Elderly Housing Overlay), Benjamin Helton of Lifestone Community Church, Applicant
5. Withdrawn by Applicant - Proposed Amendment to Riverton Ordinance 18.25.070, Lots on a
Private Lane, regarding the number of lots that can be developed on a private lane, Tamara
Larsen, Applicant
6. Proposed Amendment to Riverton Ordinance 18.175.080, Requirements for Monopole
Antennas, requesting an exception of setback for skilled nursing facilities, Bucklyn Rose
Health Properties LLC, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director
Ordinance No. 18-19 - Amending Section 18.175.080, Requirements for Monopole
Antennas Regarding Setbacks from any Residential Structure, Bucklyn Rose Health
Properties, Applicant
7. Proposed Rezone of 1.1 acres located at 13757 S Redwood Road from C-G (Commercial
Gateway) to C-PO EHOV (Commercial Professional Office Elderly Housing Overlay),
Bucklyn Rose Health Properties LLC - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director
Ordinance No. 18-20 - Rezoning 1.1 Acres Located at 13757 South Redwood Road
From C-G (Commercial Gateway) to C-PO EHOV (Commercial Professional Office Elderly Housing Overlay), Bucklyn Rose Health Properties, LLC, Applicant
8. Riverton City Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 - Mayor Staggs
9. Proposed Municipal Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 - Mayor Staggs
Discussion / Action Items
Consent Agenda
10. Minutes: WS/CCM 05-15-18
11. Resolution No. 18-50 - Appointing Konrad Hildebrand to serve as Riverton City's Primary
Representative on the Board of Directors for Valley Emergency Communications Center, and Ryan Carter to serve as an Alternate Member of said Board - Mayor Staggs
12. Resolution No. 18-49 - Appointing Alternate Planning Commission Member Edward
James to serve as a Regular Member of the Riverton City Planning Commission - Mayor Staggs
13. Resolution No. 18-51 - Approving a Change Order to an Interlocal Agreement with Bluffdale City, Contract 17-1053-36 for the 13800 South Overlay Project - Trace Robinson, Public Works Director
14. Resolution No. 18-52 - Authorizing the City to enter into a PO Contract with Noland and Son Construction to complete the 1300 West 13800 South Stormwater Project - Trace Robinson, Public Works Director
Council Items
Upcoming Meetings
15. June 12, 2018 - 6:30 p.m. - Field Trip to Roi Hardy Park - (Council Members meet at City Hall)
16. June 19, 2018 - 5:30 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting
17. July 17, 2018 - 5:30 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting
Closed Session
18. Discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an Individual
19. Strategy Session to discuss the sale, purchase, exchange, or lease of real property,