Here is the agenda for tomorrow's meeting. Please also take a moment to respond to the adhoc Facebook poll on your newsletter utilization and communication.
RIVERTON CITY, UTAH REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA March 21, 2017 Notice is hereby given that the Riverton City Council will hold a Regular City Council Meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. on March 21, 2017, at Riverton City Hall, located at 12830 South 1700 West, Riverton, Utah. A. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Presentations/Reports a. Recognition of Boy Scouts b. Outstanding Community Service Award, Dustin Lovendahl c. Mayor's Proclamation - Proclaiming April as Fair Housing Month d. Jordan River Commission - Laura Hanson 4. Public Comments B. PUBLIC HEARINGS - N/A C. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS 1. City Newsletter - Council Member Sheldon Stewart 2. Ordinance No. 17-06 - Amending Part 10.10.050 (1) of the Riverton City Municipal Code regarding Limited Winter Parking - Council Member Paul Wayman/City Attorney Ryan Carter D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes: RCCM 03-07-17 2. Bond Releases: a. Residences at Park Avenue Phase 3 - 90% Performance Bond 3. Resolution No. 17-17 - Authorizing the execution of a Third Amendment to PCS Site Agreement and Memorandum of Third Amendment to PCS Site Agreement with STC Five LLC - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director E. STAFF REPORTS 1. Lance Blackwood, City Manager F. ELECTED OFFICIAL REPORTS 1. Council Member Brent Johnson 2. Council Member Trent Staggs 3. Council Member Sheldon Stewart 4. Council Member Tricia Tingey 5. Council Member Paul Wayman 6. Mayor Bill Applegarth G. UPCOMING MEETINGS 1. April 04, 2017-Regular City Council Meeting-6:30 p.m. 2. April 18, 2017-Regular City Council Meeting-6:30 p.m. H. CLOSED SESSION 1. Strategy Session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation I. ADJOURN