Here is the agenda for the meeting this Tuesday. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA May 19, 2020 at 5:00 PM 12830 South Redwood Road, Riverton, UT 84065 1. Mayor and Council Informal Meeting 2. WORK SESSION - 5:45 PM 3. Presentations - NA 4. Council Business 4.a Discussion of the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget 5. Mayor/Council/Manager Reports 6. Adjournment 7. COUNCIL MEETING - 7:00 PM 8. Call to Order 9. Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance 10. Public Comment 11. Mayor/Council Reports 12. Presentations/Recognitions/Proclamations 12.a Riverton Police Department Report 12.b Riverton Police Department Victim Advocate Report 13. Consent Items 13.a Warranty Bond release for North Creek Estates 2020May19 IP 100Release NorthCreek(4844).pdf 13.b Performance Bond release for Riverton Professional Plaza IP 2020May19 PerformanceRelease RivertonProfessionalPlaza(6077).pdf 13.c Performance Bond release for Jordan Meadows South 13.d Resolution No. 20-37 - Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Riverton City and Herriman City for the Microsurface Seal and Striping of 13400 South Street from Mountain View to 5600 West. 2020-Resolution No. 20-37.Herriman Microsurface 13400 S.pdf Interlocal Agreement Between Herriman and Riverton (Microsurface 2020).docx 13.e Resolution No. 20-38 - Approving an Employment Agreement with David R. Brickey to Serve as the City Manager for Riverton City 2020-Resolution No. 20-38.David R Brickey Employment Agreement.pdf David Brickey City Manager Employment Agreement 5-19-20.docx 14. Public Hearing(s)/Action Items 14.a Ordinance No. 20-13 - Rezone, RD Development Located at 11845 South Redwood Rd, Proposed Rezone To RM-6-SD, Residential Multi-Family With A Maximum Of 6 Units Per Acre, With Specific Development Designations Limiting Density And Configuration, Rd Development, Applicant. Ordinance No. 20-13-RD-Development Rezone.pdf RD Development Rezone Staff Report.pdf 15. Discussion/Action Items 15.a Discussion of the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget 16. Upcoming Meetings 16.a June 02, 2020 - WS.CCM-5:00 PM-Work Session & City Council Meeting June 16, 2020 - WS.CCM-5:00 PM-Work Session & City Council Meeting July 21, 2020 - WS.CCM-5:00 PM-Work Session & City Council Meeting 17. Closed Session 17.a Discussion of the Character, Professional Competence, or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual 18. Adjournment