Meeting Agenda for July 15th, 2019

July 15, 2019

Here are the agenda's for tomorrow's meetings.  Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.


July 16, 2019 at 5:00 PM
12830 South Redwood Road, Riverton, UT

1.	Mayor and Council Informal Meeting - No action on any items


3.	Presentations - N/A

4.	Discussion Items

a.	State of Utah Division of Water Resources Loan Application - Dan Woodbury, Water 	Engineer 

b.	Speed Limit Sign - Council Member Buroker

5.	Mayor / Council / Manager Reports

6.	Adjournment


1.	Call to Order

2.	Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance 

3.	Public Comment

The public may comment on any topic not listed on the agenda. All comments shall be directed to the Mayor and City Council and limited to three (3) minutes per person, unless additional time is authorized by the Mayor. No person shall be allowed to comment more than once during the comment period and shall not debate or expect dialogue with the Governing Body or City Staff.

4.	Mayor/Council Reports

5.	Recognitions / Proclamations

a.	Outstanding Citizen Award-Kim Ostler - Mayor Staggs 

b.	Trust Accountability Program (TAP) Award - Doug Folsom, Utah Local Governments 	Trust (ULGT)

6.	Consent Items

a.	Minutes: WS/CCM 06-04-19; WS/CCM 06-18-19
b.	Bond Release(s): Riverton Towne Storage (4400W)(1612); Bench Acres (4082) 	Performance Release

	c.	Resolution No. 19-38 - Approving the Execution of an Interlocal Cooperation 				Agreement between Riverton City and Herriman City for the Chip Seal and Striping of 			13400 South Street from 5000 West to 5600 West - Trace Robinson, Public Works 			Director

	d.	Resolution No. 19-39 - Advertising Riverton City's intent to adjust the boundary 				between the City of Riverton and South Jordan City - Trace Robinson, Public Works 			Director

	e.	Resolution No. 19-40 - Approving a contract with Zions Public Finance to serve as the 			City's Municipal Financial Advisor Craig, Calvert, Operational Director

	f.	Resolution No. 19-41 -  To Ratify Staff's Approval of a Change Order to Rolfe 				Excavating & Construction Company for the Stone Ridge Lane Culinary Water Line 			Project Craig, Calvert, Operational Director

	g. 	Resolution No. 19-42 - To Approve entering into a contract with the Lowest Responsive 			and Responsible Contractor to Complete the Lovers Lane Culinary Water Line 				Replacement Project Craig, Calvert, Operational Director

	h.	Resolution No. 19-43 - Approving Riverton City's entry into an Agreement with 				Stoneridge Veterinary Clinic, LLC - Ryan Carter, City Attorney

	i.	Resolution No. 19-44 - Approving Riverton City's entry into an Agreement with Salt Lake 			City Corporation for use of the Records Management System (RMS) - Ryan Carter, City 		Attorney

	j.	Resolution No. 19-45 - Approving Riverton City's entry into an Interlocal Cooperative 			Agreement with The Jordan School District regarding School Resource Officers

7.	Public Hearing(s) / Action Items 

a.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-08 - Rezone of Approximately 3.03 Acres located at 12667 	South Critters Cove, from R-1 (Rural Residential 1 Acre Lots) to RR-22 (Rural 	Residential 1/2 Acre Lots), Scott Colmere, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Development 	Services Director

b.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-13 - Rezone of Approximately 2.76 Acres located at 4601 	West 13400 South from C-PO (Commercial Professional Office) and R-3 (Residential 
	3-Units per acre) to C-R (Regional Commercial), Wright Development Group, 	Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Development 	Services Director

c.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-14 - Rezone of property located at 12529 West 2700 South 	from C-N (Commercial Neighborhood to RM-8/SD (Multi-family Residential 8-dwelling 	units per acre with Specific Development designation), Ken Allred, Silver Crest 	Construction - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director

8.	Discussion / Action Items

	a.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-15 - Amending Title 3 of Riverton Municipal Code, Adding 			Chapter 035 and Levying a 1% Municipal Transient Room Tax - Ryan Carter, City 			Attorney

9.	Upcoming Meetings

a.	August 06, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting
b.	August 20, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting
c.	September 03, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting
d.	September 17, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. - Work Session & City Council Meeting

10.	Closed Session

a. 	Strategy session to discuss the purchase, exchange, sale or lease of real property

11.	Adjournment

July 16, 2019 at 7:30 PM, or as soon after as practicable
18230 South Redwood Road, Riverton, UT

1.	Call to Order 

2.	Public Hearing(s) - N/A

3.	Discussion / Action Items

	a.	Riverton Police Department (RPD) Presentation - Chief Hutson

	b.	RLESA Financial Update - Kevin Hicks, Finance Director

	c.	Approval of Minutes: RLESA 06-18-2019

4.	Adjournment
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