Here is the agenda for this Tuesdays meeting. Please let me know if you have questions .
RIVERTON CITY, UTAH REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA November 15, 2016 Notice is hereby given that the Riverton City Council will hold a Regular City Council Meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. on November 15, 2016, at Riverton City Hall, located at 12830 South 1700 West, Riverton, Utah. A. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Presentations/Reports a. Recognition of Boy Scouts b. Healthy Riverton Poster Contest Winner c. Fiscal Year Comprehensive Financial Report (CAFR) for Year Ended June 30, 2016 - Hansen, Bradshaw, Malmrose & Erickson 4. Public Comments B. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:30 p.m. or as soon after as practicable 1. Proposed Municipal Fee Schedule Amendments for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year - Lisa Dudley, Administrative Services Director a. Resolution No. 16-58 - Adopting Amendments to the Municipal Fee Schedule for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year 2. Rezone - Riverton Storage Rezone, 1.05 acres located at 13701 South Buckboard Way, from R-3 (Residential 14,000 Square Foot Lots) to C-G (Commercial Gateway), Bentson Whitney, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Community Development Director a. Ordinance No. 16-33 - Rezoning 1.05 Acres located at approximately 13701 South Buckboard Way from R-3 (Residential 14,000 Square Foot Lots) to C-G (Commercial Gateway) 3. Ordinance Amendment - Text Change, amending Section 18.70.050 Lot Coverage of the Riverton City Land Use Code increasing the maximum amount of building coverage for storage units and reducing the minimum amount of landscape coverage, Bentson Whitney, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Community Development Director a. Ordinance No. 16-37 - Amending Section Building Pad Coverage and Section Open Space 4. Rezone - Dansie Place Rezone, 3.29 acres located at 12494 South Redwood Road, from C-D (Commercial Downtown) to RM-14-D (Residential Multi-Family 14 Units Per Acre Downtown), Keystone Construction, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Community Development Director a. Ordinance No. 16-34 - Rezoning 3.29 Acres located at 12494 South Redwood Road from C-D (Commercial Downtown) to RM-14-D (Residential Multi-Family 14 Units Per Acre Downtown) and amending the General Plan Designation to High Density Residential 5. Rezone - Rocky Mountain Care Rezone, 1.41 acres located at approximately 12760 South 3400 West, from M-1 (Light Manufacturing) to C-PO/ EHOV (Commercial Professional Office w/ Elderly Housing Overlay), Holladay Rocky Mountain Property, Applicant.- Jason Lethbridge, Community Development Director a. Ordinance No. 16-35 - Rezoning 1.41 Acres located at approximately 12760 South 3400 West from M-1 (Light Manufacturing) to C-PO EHOV (Commercial Professional Office Elderly Housing Overlay) 6. Ordinance Amendment - Text Change, amending Section 18.15, Agricultural Zones, of the Riverton City Land Use Code addressing allowed uses in those zones, Amendment proposed by Riverton City- Jason Lethbridge, Community Development Director a. Ordinance No. 16-36 - Amending Section 18.15, Agricultural Zones, of the Riverton City Land Use Code 7. Ordinance Amendment - Text Change, amending Section, Park Strips, of the Riverton City Land Use Code addressing allowed materials and surfaces in residential park strips, Riverton City - Jason Lethbridge, Community Development Director a. Ordinance No. 16-38 - Amending Section, Park Strips, of the Riverton City Land Use Code C. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS - N/A D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes: RCCM 11-01-16 2. Bond Releases: a. Murphy Express - 90% Performance Release 3. Resolution No. 16-59 - Accepting the Fiscal Year 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for Riverton City 4. Resolution No. 16-60 - Authorizing the City to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement and First Amendment to said Agreement with Salt Lake County for the Installation of a Traffic Signal located at the intersection of 13200 South and 4570 West 5. Resolution No. 16-61 - Authorizing the City to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement and First Amendment to said Agreement with Salt Lake County for the Installation of a Traffic Signal located at the intersection of 13400 South and Morning Cloak Drive 6. Resolution No. 16-62 - Authorizing the City to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Salt Lake County for the Traffic Signal Maintenance E. STAFF REPORTS 1. Lance Blackwood, City Manager F. ELECTED OFFICIAL REPORTS 1. Mayor Bill Applegarth 2. Council Member Brent Johnson 3. Council Member Trent Staggs 4. Council Member Sheldon Stewart 5. Council Member Tricia Tingey 6. Council Member Paul Wayman G. UPCOMING MEETINGS 1. December 06, 2016 - Regular City Council Meeting - 6:30 p.m. 2. January 03, 2017 - Regular City Council Meeting - 6:30 p.m. H. ADJOURN