November 16th 2021 Agendas

November 14, 2021

Here are the agendas for the meetings this Tuesday. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.


November 16, 2021 at 5:00 PM

12830 South Redwood Road,
Riverton, UT 84065

Riverton City Meeting information

The City Council Meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting with in person attendance and audio/video of the meeting broadcast live via the City Meetings link. Accompanying agenda documents will be available for public review through the City website prior to the meeting and audio/written minutes will be available following the meeting. Citizen comment may be submitted via email to [email protected] or at e-comments at City Meetings. All comments submitted by noon on the date of the meeting will be relayed to the City Council.

1.	Mayor and Council Informal Meeting


3.	Call to Order

4.	Presentations

4.a Tyler Technologies, Citizen Self-Service Portal - Maddie McCambridge, Account Executive for Tyler Technologies and Kevin Hicks, Administrative Services Director, Riverton City

5.	Discussion Items

5.a Benefit Analysis - Kevin Hicks, Administrative Services Director and Trish Dixon, Human Resource Manager

6.	Mayor/Council/Manager Reports

7.	Adjournment of Work Session


9.	Call to Order

10.	Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance

11.	Citizen Comment

The public may comment on any topic not listed on the agenda. All comments shall be directed to the Mayor and City Council and limited to three (3) minutes per person, unless additional time is authorized by the Mayor. No person shall be allowed to comment more than once during the comment period and shall not debate or expect dialogue with the Governing Body or City Staff. Emailed or e-comments may be submitted to [email protected] or at City Meetings. Any comments needing or requesting follow-up will be assigned to staff for further action as appropriate after the meeting. Please provide contact information so later follow-up can take place.

12.	Mayor/Council Reports

13.	Presentations/Recognitions

13.a  Riverton High School Girls Soccer Team - State Championship Recognition RHS 

13.b 'Small Business Saturday, November 27' - Mayoral Proclamation 

13.c	Riverton Police Department Presentation - Chief Don Hutson

13.d	Emergency Preparedness Presentation - Jason Jones, Emergency Manager 

14.	Consent Items

Routine items on the Consent Agenda not requiring public discussion by the City Council or which have been discussed previously may be adopted by one single motion. A Council member may request to remove an item from the consent agenda for individual discussion and consideration.

14.a	Minute Approval: September 21, 2021

14.b	Minute Approval: October 5, 2021

14.c	Resolution No. 21-59 - Establishing Annual Meeting Schedules for Riverton City for the Year of 2022.

14.d	Resolution No. 21-62 - Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Third Amendment to the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Salt Lake County to provide additional funding in the amount of $225,000 from their 2021 budget and $200,000 from their 2022 budget to Riverton City for partial improvements to the Rose Creek Channel between Mountain View and 4250 W.

14.e	Resolution No. 21-63 - Declaring the identified vehicles as surplus, authorizing the City Manager to dispose of these items as he deems appropriate - Craig Calvert, Purchasing

14.f	Resolution No. 21-64 - Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Utah Telecommunications Open Infrastructure Agency ('UTOPIA') which allows for Installation of Infrastructure which Conducts Voice, and Data, Broadband, and Telecommunication Transmission Services within the City.

14.g	Warranty Bond release for ROYAL FARMS PHASE 3 (897)

14.h	Warranty Bond release for Riverton Professional Plaza (6077) IP 2021Nov16 100Relase 

14.i	Performance Bond release for Blaine Page Subdivision (7190)

14.j	Warranty Bond release for Copper View Animal Hospital (6171)

14.k	Warranty Bond release for Norman Estates (4548) IP 2021Nov16 100Release NormanEstates(4548).pdf

14.l	Warranty Bond release for Rose Canyon Clinic Expansion (6822)

15.	Public Hearing(s)/Action Items

15.a Resolution No. 21-61 - Authorizing the Filing of a Complaint to Take Property Through Eminent Domain

15.b   Ordinance No. 21-29 - General Plan Amendment and Rezone of 5.95-acres Located at Approximately 12261 South 4000 West from 'Low Density Residential' and Zone R-3 to 'Medium-High Density Residential' and Zone RM-6, Applicant is Joe Salisbury - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director

15.c	Resolution No. 21-57 - Approving Amendments to the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget - Kevin Hicks, Administrative Services Director

15.d	Resolution No. 21-60 - Approving Amendments to the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Municipal Fee Schedule - Kevin Hicks, Administrative Services Director

16.	Discussion/Action Items

16.a	Ordinance No. 21-28-Amending Section 18.45, RM-6, amending the RM-6 zone to individual lot development only, amendments proposed by Riverton City

16.b	Ordinance No. 21-30 - Amending Title 15, Chapter 45, Riverton City Code, Adopting Updated FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps, and Related Matters.

16.c	Ordinance No. 21-31 - Vacating a portion of right-of-way located at approximately 4400 W Sunday Drive consisting of 0.015 acres (663 sf), and accepting dedication of additional right-of-way along Sunday Drive - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director

17.	Upcoming Meetings

a.	December 7, 2021 - 5:00 PM - Work Session & City Council Meeting

b.	December 21, 2021 - 5:00 PM - Work Session & City Council Meeting

c.	January 4, 2022 - 5:00 PM - Work Session & City Council Meeting

d.	January 18, 2022 - 5:00 PM - Work Session & City Council Meeting

e.	January 22, 2022 - 7:30 AM - Strategic Planning Meeting
18.	Closed Session

a.	Discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual

b.	Strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation

c.	Strategy session to discuss the sale, purchase, exchange or lease of real property, including any form of a water rights or water share

19.	Adjournment


November 16, 2021 at 6:30 PM

1.	Call to Order

2.	Discussion/Action Items

2.a Canvass of the Official Election Results for the 2021 Municipal General Election conducted by Salt Lake County Clerk's Office, Elections Division - Jamie Larsen, City Recorder

2. b	Board of Canvassers Resolution No. 21-01 - Certifying the 2021 Official Municipal General Election Results - Jamie Larsen, City Recorder

3.	Adjourn


November 16, 2021 at 6:30 PM

12830 South Redwood Road

1.	Call to Order

2.	Consent Items

2.a RFSA Minute Approval: October 5, 2021

2.b Set Public Hearing Date regarding the Tentative Budget for Calendar Year 2022 (December 7, 2021 at 7:30 PM) - Kevin Hicks, Administrative Services Director

3.	Discussion / Action Items

3.a Fraud Assessment - Kevin Hicks, Administrative Services Director RFSA 2021 Fraud Risk Assessment.pdf

3.b	RFSA Resolution No. 21-07 - Adopting Tentative Budgets for Calendar Year 2022

4.	Adjournment
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