October 1, 2019 Agenda

September 30, 2019

Here is the agenda for the meeting tomorrow. Please let ne know if you have any questions or comments.


October 1, 2019 at 5:00 PM
12830 South Redwood Road, Riverton, UT

1.	Mayor and Council Informal Meeting - No action on any items


3.	Presentations - N/A

4.	Discussion Items
a.	General Plan Overview - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director

b.	Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District Presentation - Matt Olson

5.	Mayor / Council / Manager Reports

6.	Adjournment


8.	Call to Order

9.	Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance 

10.	Public Comment
	The public may comment on any topic not listed on the agenda. All comments shall be directed to the Mayor and City Council and limited to three (3) minutes per person, unless additional time is authorized by the Mayor. No person shall be allowed to comment more than once during the comment period and shall not debate or expect dialogue with the Governing Body or City Staff.

11.	Mayor/Council Reports

12.	Presentations / Recognitions / Proclamations
a.	Service Award for James Endrizzi, Planning Commission Member - Mayor Staggs

b.	Incentive Award for Officer EJ Estrada - Chief Hutson

c.	Riverton Choice Awards for Excellence in Education - Riverton High School - Mayor 	Staggs

d.	Microtransit Pilot Program in Southwest Quadrant of Salt Lake County - Carlton 	Christensen, UTA Board Chair

13.	Consent Items
a.	Minutes: WS/CCM 09-17-19

b.	Bond Release(s):
i.	Lester, Wayne, SFT (2971)-Performance Release

c.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-28 - Amending Title 2, Chapter 140 Riverton City Code, Creation of Commissions and Committees - Ryan Carter, City Attorney

d.	Resolution No. 19-69 - Approving the Appointment of a Commission Member to the Riverton City Planning Commission - Mayor Staggs 

e.	Ordinance No. 19-21 - Amending Sections 18.05.030, 18.225.070, And 18.145.120 18.225, to Allow for Accessory Structures in Select Residential Zones Proposed by Riverton City - Ryan Carter, City Attorney

14.	Public Hearing(s) / Action Items 
a.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-24 - Rezoning Approximately 9.84 Acres Located at 4091 West 12600 South from PCC (Planned Commercial Center) to RM-14-SD (Residential Multi-Family 14 Units per Acre, with Specific Development Designations), Jim Giles and Nate Shipp Representing DAI Partners, Applicants- Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director - This Item will be Continued to October 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

b.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-25 - Rezoning Property Located at 11602 South Redwood Road from C-PO (Professional Office) to C-G (Commercial Gateway) - Claribel Tejada, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director

c.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-26 - Rezoning Property Located at 1965 West 11800 South from RR-22 to R-3 (Residential Single-Family, 14,000 Sf Minimum Lot Size), Delwin Craig, Applicant - Jason Lethbridge, Development Services Director

d.	Proposed Ordinance No. 19-27 - Amending Section 18.155.060 (2), Addressing 	Fencing Along Major Roads, Amendment Proposed By Riverton City - Jason 	Lethbridge, Development Services Director
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